• 正在播放:終極伐木達人 第一季-8
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主演:Sarah Fleming Erik Wenstob Kevin Wenstob Coleman Willner 

《終極伐木達人 第一季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,Sarah Fleming Erik Wensto 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Reality tv  show on the History channel.  BIG TI MBER follows the dan  gerous work  of logg er and sawmill owner Kevin W  enstob as he and his cr ew go to  extremes to keep the family sawm ill, and their way of life, a live. K evin's logging a remote timber cla im high up the steep, rugged  slo pes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the   majestic  heart  of Vanc ouver Island. It' s ho me to some of the best woo d in the wo rld and   Kevin's making a  big be t to get it.  The claim has a thousand t  ruckloads waiting for him and his fir st goa  l is to ge t 200 tru ckloads of f the mounta in before wi nter shuts him down, but the   mountain  won't give up wi thout a fight . That's only his first  obstacle though, a s he finds  out clo se to winter  that he  has to clear his who le cl aim, all one tho usand loads , as soon as he c an get back up  there i n the spring. He'l l be stuck with millions o f dollars in penalt ies if he  can't do it . With his wife Sara h, his son Erik, and his right-hand m an Coleman by h is side,  Kev in wil l do  whateve r it t akes to g et that big timber!  按规矩, 两人每收一个人的好 处,就要往外掏点货,偏偏他 们是一个一个飞升 的,总不好意思把 说过的消息,再给他们来一遍,没办法下,待到文 遥飞升,  人家又给他们摆了一 席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦  纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的 事了。

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