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分类:科幻片 其它 1962

主演:Abel Salazar Ariadna Welt 

导演:Chano Urueta 


《恐怖男爵》是由知名导演Chano Urueta 执导的一部科幻片,Abel Salazar Ariadna Welt 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:    In 1661 Mexico, the B aron Viteliu s of Astara is sentenced to be bur ned aliv e by th e Holy Inquisition  of M exico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other cr imes.  As he dies, the Baron swe ars vengea  nce against the descend ants o f th e Inquisitor  s. 300 y ears later, a co met that wa  s passin g overhead on the night  of the Baron’s execution retur ns to ear th, bringing with i t the Baron in th  e form of a  horri ble, b  rain-eating  monster th at terrorizes t he Inquisito r’s descendants.  她朝两边的贵宾席和 下面的看台,团团一揖,“佐蒙人是肯定要杀我的,他们善用渗透  之法,所以,林蹊在 此恳请诸位 前辈,诸位道 友,看在我也算为仙界立过一点功劳的份上,一起监 督一下,在 我未晋天仙之前,不 要让任何人,以任何理由,打断我在刑堂的工作。

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