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分类:動作片 美國 1924

主演:巴斯特·基頓 凱瑟琳·麥奎爾 弗雷德裏克·弗魯姆 

导演:唐納德·克裏斯普 巴斯特·基頓 


《航海家》是由知名导演唐納德·克裏斯普 巴斯特·基頓 执导的一部動作片,巴斯特·基頓 凱瑟琳·麥奎爾 弗雷德裏克·弗魯姆 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:Wealthy  Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenl y decides to  propose  to his neigh bor across the street, Betsy O&#  39;Brien (Kathry n McGuire), and sends  his servan  t to book passage for a honeymoon sea cru ise to Honolul  u. When Betsy reject s his sudd en offer however, he  decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding wit hout  delay th at nig  ht. B ecause  the pier number is partially c over ed, h e ends up on the wron g shi p, the Navigator,   which  Betsy's rich father (Fre derick V room ) has just s old to a small country at war.  Age nts for the other sm all nation in the   conflict decid e to set the  ship adri ft t hat same nig ht. When Betsy';s fath er checks up on the ship , he is cap tured  and tied up by the sabote urs.   Betsy he  ars h is cry for help an d boards  the ship t  o look for him, just before it is cut loose.  The Navigator drifts out i nto the Paci fic Ocea  n. The two u nwitting passe ngers ev entually find each other. At first,  they have great di  fficult y looki ng after t hemselves, but adapt after a  few weeks. At one point, they sight  a navy ship an d hoist a  brightl y-co lored flag, not r ealizing it   signals that the  ship is und er quarantine. As a result, the other vessel turns away.  Finally , the sh  ip grounds i tself near an inhabit ed tropical island and springs a l eak. Whi le R ollo dons a deep sea  diving sui  t and subm erges to patch  the hole, the black nat ives canoe o ut and take Bets y ca ptive.  When R ollo emerges from the  ocean , the natives are scared off, e nabli ng him to  rescue Betsy and take her back to  the ship. The natives ret urn and try to  board the s hip. After a fierce st ruggle, Roll o and Bets y try to e  scape in a small dingh y. It starts to sink, and  the native s sw iftly overtake them in t heir canoes . Ju st when all seems lost, a navy subm arine surfaces   right underneath t hem and  they are saved.  说到这里,木头人 顿了顿,  “你可能不知道,我主人一  直怀疑, 他们之中,有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智计无 双,大家一直 查不到他, 可能是因为,那人的修为远在他们之上, 是对方隐藏起来的第三位圣者。”



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